Artful Kitchens

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If you've been reading my blog you know that the innovative brand, Brizo Faucets turns the handle full blast when it comes to creativity.  Their current advertising campaign is aptly titled "License to Dream".  What better way to illustrate a dream than by blending product with artist?  That is exactly what they did.   Artist  and illustrator Erin Petson was one of five chosen to take a product line (Talo Smarttouch)  and dream it to life.  Here's how she describes her inspiration,  "A new sense of grace in the kitchen.  Cooking becomes less of a chore and more of a dance.  It's choreography."

Hmmmm. This got me dreaming about my own dancing adventures in my kitchen.  Now I must confess, loyal readers, that I have a small kitchen, really small.   That said, the hubs and I do turn out some pretty exceptional dinners every now and then and we love to cook together.  How do we do it?  We dance.  We've got the rhythm down.  It goes something like this.   I swing my hips to the right.  He opens the trash.  He slides to the left I open the utensil drawer.  He opens the fridge and I dip under his arm.   Whenever we cook in our little kitchen  I think we fall in love a little more.  You should try it sometime.  It's very romantic.  There is a rhythm to everything.  The Intuitive Kitchen can be a place to revel in the ritual of cooking and eating at home.  So find your partner,  grab a recipe, turn up the tunes and dance in the kitchen.