Press & Publications
I get around! I love collaborating with brands and products I believe in. Find all the latest Artful Kitchen coverage right here.
Kitchen & Bath Business News
SeptemberOctober 2020
I had the pleasure of participating on this panel with other top design influencers during the DCOTA Fall 2019 market. See my blog post for some of the ideas that came out of this meeting of the minds presented by Florida Design Magazine and Poggenpohl.
KBDN Highlights 50 Top Innovators
Whose work, creative talents, business acumen and professionalism are currently leading the way for the industry and elevating the kitchen and bath trade.
Honored to be named one of Kitchen & Bath Design News Magazines top 50 Innovators.
It is such an honor to be featured along with so many hard working and inpirational professionals. I am so grateful to be able to do what I love for my work. To that i say “Thank You.” To every client that has trusted me in designing thier space, to every contractor and collaboration that I have been so fortunate to be a part of. I really feel so lucky.
Kitchen and Bath Magazine Blog
Read my post here as s shared by Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine!
Kitchen and Bath Magazine Blog
Read my post right here as shared by Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine!
Artful Kitchens strikes again in the January 2018 issue of Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine.
The topic was Universal Design. See what I have to say about my experience with clients concerned about aging in place.
Aging In Place
“Aging in place is what we hear most often in South Florida, which is no doubt because of our large retirement community. I was working with a couple recently, probably in their early seventies. She pulled me aside at the job site, looked me in the eye and said, “I want you to understand that my husband wants to die here.” Yikes right!? Anyway, she wanted to make sure a wheelchair could work in the space when the time came, and I convinced her to use a microwave drawer rather than an over-the-range unit. I am a big proponent of microwave drawers if space and budget allow. They are much safer and more user-friendly thank a microwave located where you have to reach up to remove hot contents.”
True Color Expert
I am thrilled to be a Certified True Color Expert after a three-day intensive workshop in Boca Raton with Maria Killam of Color Me Happy fame! I learned so much and am beyond excited to officially, and confidently, add color consultation to my services.
NKBA Magazine’s September/October 2017 issue
features a great article by Alice Liao, on page 18, all about balancing your kitchen or bathroom renovation budget. I share my wisdom and my super talented peer/pals Cheryl Clendenon and Kelly Morriseau also weigh in with some great advice!
Metropolis Magazine
reached out to two creative kitchen designers – Gloria Graham Sollecito from Artful Kitchens Design and Cheryl Kees Clendenon from In Detail Interiors – to discuss which elements make up the perfect residential kitchen, plus how to choose a high-quality, functional kitchen sink.
Kitchen & Bath Business Nov/
Dec 2016
Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine recently asked me along with other pros, “What’s the most important lesson you have learned as a design professional?”
I’m so excited to be featured in Blanco By Design!
Read this interview here about one very special kitchen.
Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine Announces Product Innovators 2016.
I had the honor of judging this years entries. Click here to see who won the best of the best!
Home & Decor Section in The Sun Sentinel
When Shawn Aldous hired me to give the kitchen in her new house a much-needed update, there were two goals: to create defined and easily accessible storage space — and to come up with a design that reflected her vibrant, joyous and playful personality. The resulting style is what I call “Traditional with a Twist.”
In May 2016, I had the pleasure of covering the Maison et Objet design show held in Miami Beach for Kitchen & Bath Business Magazine.
All work and no play make for an uninspired kitchen and bath designer.
For a peek at what I do when I’m not devising layouts, writing blog posts or collaborating with clients check this interview I did with The Decorating Diva. It was part of her “Creative Cafe” series.
Large format tile is all the rage.
I was interviewed by Heather Fiore of Contemporary Stone & Tile Design Magazine