Whether it be blogging or kitchen design, I am always thinking –How can I make it better?  With that commitment in mind, I signed up for the 4-week Blog Triage class with Cynthia Morris http://www.originalimpulse.com/blog and Alyson Stanfield http://artbizblog.com.. Today’s assignment is to describe the people I want to visit and read my blog.  Let me know if I’m right.  Send me a comment.  Let me know  who you are and what you want to read about on this blog.

Reader Profile 1

I see you as a woman perhaps 35-63 years of age.  You are pretty savvy, like to utilize the internet for research and comparison.  You have resigned yourself to the fact that although you may want to move, you’re not going anywhere soon but dammit you deserve to have a kitchen you love.  You want this kitchen to work better than the one you have and you want it to reflect your own unique spirit.  You are a creative.  Maybe you are an artist, a quilter, a crafter, a writer OR perhaps you haven’t realized it yet.  But you know all the great meals you devise or that beautiful garden you have behind the house?  Well that’s art too.  You don’t go out as much as you once did but have found some great  blogs about cooking, entertaining and home décor.  You’re beginning to think about this project as a reality but where do you start?  How much is it going to cost?  Everyone of us has a budget, right?  You’re a little overwhelmed.  You don’t want to make such a big investment and make a mistake.    You’re sitting  with your cup of tea or glass of wine enjoying your quiet time early in the morning or after everyone else has gone to bed and your dreaming…

Reader Profile 2

You are a fellow blogger or kitchen and bath professional.  Either you have met me in business circles or through another blog.  Scanning/reading blogs is part of keeping informed about your topic.   I’m hoping that you will see Kitchens for Living as a venue to market yourself, your product or your own blog.  It is my philosophy that the more expert information I can provide the more valuable it will be as a resource for my readers.

If I got this wrong let me know.  I want to know who you are!