What Are You Carrying?


Every two weeks, an intrepid group of bloggers participate in something called a Blog Off. We share our take on the same topic on the same day.Today's Blog Off topic is "What are you carrying?"  Good question.  As I pondered it, while driving to my appointment today, I heard an interview with Dr. Marc Agronin, author of  [amazon_link id="0306818531" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]How We Age:  A Doctor's Journey into the Heart of Growing Old[/amazon_link].  He was discussing the qualities and essential parts of ourselves that we carry into old age.  This got me thinking about how I would approach this Blog Off topic.  What are the gifts I carry with me now that I did not see at 18?  One thing is a sense of perspective.  They're not kidding when they say "hind sight is 20/20".  Today I think before I act.  I look beyond the present moment.  I have also managed to carry with me a general sense of optimism.  Yes I have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, haven't we all?  But for me, behind it all,  hope is always there.  Today I carry with me the hope that my children will be everything they wish for themselves.  I believe everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences.  I honor my intuition and I also have some weird inkling that if I keep plugging away at this blog something will happen.  I don't know what but I hope and it keeps me going.   The MOST important thing I carry with me is my attitude.http://letsblogoff.com/images/letsblogoff_badge.jpgCheck out the links below to see what other bloggers had to say.