This month is the ten year anniversary of hurricane Katrina. All my memories of New Orleans come to the forefront and today I pay homage to the grand adventure that was Blog Tour NOLA.I still think about this visit to New Orleans and what a full rich experience it was, encompassing so much more than design.In 2013 I had the exciting opportunity to meet this special city in a most comprehensive and in depth way thanks to the innovative design resource Modenus. I also had the pleasure of meeting and touring with some super talented design pros who remain my friends.
KBIS was held in NOLA that year and was a key part of the agenda however, thanks to our sponsors, we also saw, tasted (culinary heaven), touched and felt the culture of New Orleans. As I read and hear about the Katrina aftermath today, I am reminded of our visit to the Lower Ninth Ward and the realization that in the bleakest of times there is hope.
Art documents culture and artists have found beauty and expression in the midst of destruction. This morning I was touched by this story of creativity that has blossomed in the Crescent City. You can listen to it on NPR. It mentions the Ogden Museum of Southern Art which we also visited!
One of my favorite NOLA moments was on Frenchmen Street where we popped into The Spotted Cat and roamed neighboring Frenchmen Street Art Market.
The day we visited the Lower Ninth, St. Paul's Homecoming Center, World Vision and KBIS united to tell the world through this press event that recovery was still in process and despite the fact that so much more needed to be done there was hope and progress.
Today I proudly display the photo (below) by New Orleans photographer Andy Levine in my home. It was taken by him in the aftermath of Katrina. Thank you Modenus for the lasting gift of this special blog tour I was honored to be a part of. If you'd like to go back and see what I wrote of my experiences, including the culinary treats, in 2013 it starts here.
Also, I must say , if you like Houzz you will love the new Modenus. It's a straight up honest design resource that facilitates connections between designers and homeowners as well as being a beautiful source of inspiration. Check it out! PS I got through this whole post without mentioning BEIGNETS once! Oooops.