That long weekend went by in a flash, didn't it? I don't know about you but I have to slowly ease back into the work mode. On Mondays it's always fun to see what's hot on my Pinterest. That'll work! So without further ado this gorgeousness was the most re-pinned (original sources included) from my boards over the holiday weekend.Since it tis the season to be thinking about gingerbread this pic is getting lots of love. Of course it's always the season to think about Paris! I found it on my BBF's (Best Blogger Friend's) blog Surroundings but you can find the "how to" here. It's on my "Food" board.
This stunning pic lends a whole new meaning to the concept of "public bathroom". If you love it, there's more where that came from and you can find it here on Google+.
Speaking of bathrooms, this one was pretty popular too, not surprising. It can be found on the delightful blog Mix and Chic. Both bathrooms are on the "Step Into My Bath" board.
Patti is on my "Super Cool Peeps" board and I guess some fans found her this week. If you haven't read it, her book Just Kids is fabulous! The original source for this shot can be found right here.
And last but not least this cool chair on my "Charles Rennie & Margaret M." board got a few nods. It came from this site where you will find many similar beautiful items. There you have it, eclectic to say the least. Now back to business. Up next: A new way to "rock" your kitchen.