Counting down the minutes till my next great adventure in Costa Mesa California with the folks at Blanco and Bosch! Most of my packing is done and Sunday is my day to cook. (The hubs is great that way.) Since time has become a very precious commodity and I have 69 books on my "Plan to read" list, there are no more magazines in my life, except one. That would be Cooking Light.
I'm always drooling for that next issue and it's my current go-to-guide for cooking inspiration when Sunday rolls around. Last night's feature was Cashew Honey Chicken. It was a big hit and I think you should try it cause it's healthy and easy. If you're a veghead simply substitute tofu. You can find the recipe here but this is my take on it. Instead of corn starch I used arrow root cause it's healthier. I put it in a zip lock bag with the chicken and thoroughly fondled the bag till chicken was lightly coated. Then I browned the chicken and added the veggies as per recipe. At this point it seemed a little dry so I added a splash of organic broth. While that's simmering away I made the sauce. I doubled all the ingredients because we usually come up short in that department. It was a good choice because it all came out just right. Let me know how yours comes out. Next stop California!!