Yesterday we were supposed to go to the Armory Art Show but due to a late start we ended up at the Whitney instead. The late start was worth it, however as my brother-in-law made us salmon eggs benedict which I highly recommend! We found the recipe here at my fave recipe source Right now the Whitney is featuring a special exhibition on Edward Hopper. The Whitney Museum
is only a fraction of the size of the Met, admission is $18 and the staff is grumpy and surly at best. I digress, back to Edward. Here's what Wiki has to say about him: Edward Hopper was a prominent American realist painter and printmaker. While most popularly known for his oil paintings, he was equally proficient as a watercolorist and printmaker in etching. In both his urban and rural scenes, his spare and finely calculated renderings reflected his personal vision of modern American life. I guess when I think of him I think of the rural American scene and was not so familiar with his urban themes. I enjoyed seeing these and the works of other artists who, as his contemporaries and peers, were influenced and inspired by him. I'd show you some pix but they were verboten so here's an example of one I Googled. After that we wandered over to the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle which is basically a huge mall. The thing about NYC is that you will find something intriguing at every turn, whether it is a character on the street or something like this totally unexpected Salvador Dali sculpture at Time Warner!
This woman, almost entirely composed of flames, combines two of Dali's favourite obsessions: fire, and a female figure interspersed with drawers. Dali found flames fascinating because they seem to have a life of their own, exerting an almost hypnotic influence on the observer. Read more about her here.
Right across from the Time Warner Center we stopped at a cool Scandanavian cafe' called AKCafe. Our snacks were yummy and I enjoyed soaking in the hip decor. I especially love the linen colored paneling, so Scandi!
So today will be the big adventure, the reason I came to NY. Next post, Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen.