You've heard me talk about glass before and it's place as a progressive material used in all sorts of innovative ways in the 21st century kitchen. The following is a press release I recently received for a company called Think Glass."One of the coolest products just unveiled at the National Kitchen Bath Show in Las Vegas was a stunning 4-inch glass countertop that looked like the luminescent ocean and actually glowed from within. The powerful LED lights embedded inside gave the glass countertop a radiance. ThinkGlass offers a variety of light colors and even the ability to create a “light show” via remote control with special effects such as flashing and fading lights to create an ambiance.ThinkGlass has quickly become a leader in the thermoforming industry by pioneering a versatile technique that allows the creation of new or repetitive textures at a very low molding cost. This process allows the creation of glass slabs without thickness constraints opening the door to all kinds of design possibilities that far exceed anything that can be accomplished with stone, granite or marble."This truly is a revolutionary break through. Previously the thickest counter top any sane glass expert would offer is 3/4". When glass reaches a thickness of 1.4" it becomes hard as stone and it is naturally antibacterial because of its totally nonporous nature.
ThinkGlass has been around for about 11 years and here's how they do it. The process begins with 8' by 11' sheets of 1/2" glass which is cut to size according to project specs. The glass is stacked and placed on a bed of sand in an oven. Any desired texture or design is drawn into the sand before the glass is placed on it. The glass is then baked for one day for every 1/2" of thickness. The finished product is then polished by hand. Pretty cool, huh? The sand is even reused so there is no waste.The addition of LED lighting for illumination really takes glass to the next level and is sure to deliver lots of "wows". Glass is easy to clean and the addition of a texture is a crafty way to hide finger prints.If you'd like just a little wow that's good too and can be enough. How about a raised glass top on your island? If you go this route make sure to employ a qualified professional who will know the best way to install and secure your top. Last but not least, don't forget that if you are a follower of Feng Shui, glass is a great way to add the water element to your kitchen. The element of water is said to attract wealth and health!