Last weekend was a wet one so I had a good opportunity to tackle something that has been bothering me daily, one of my kitchen drawers! I LOVE drawers, don’t get me wrong. As a designer I hear a lot of clients enthusiastically request roll out drawers. It’s almost become a status symbol in the home improvement community. I say not so fast. I would take a bank of drawers any day over a cabinet with doors and roll outs.Think of it. You can open most drawers with one hand. The roll out alternative requires you to open two doors all the way then slide out the roll out, not very efficient ergonomics. There is also an aesthetic component. A bank of drawers can be a nice visual break from a sea of doors. Anyway, I digress.We have this one nice bank of drawers 30” wide in my kitchen. It’s supposed to house plastic containers and stuff like that. Well with a family of four, including two teenagers, lately it has gotten ridiculous. Believe me when I tell you all this was in one drawer.
- Who knew we had so many funnels??
It only took minutes to empty, sort and re pack. A few broken pieces and odd lids went into the recycle basket and here’s what we’ve got now, a clean drawer WHERE I CAN FIND EVERYTHING! Drawers are the best, honestly.