I think all of you know I'm a nut about art. Some of you may know that my particular passion of late is encaustic art. This particular type of painting is hot, literally. It's painting with beeswax, resin and pigments and you can get the full scoop here. Last year I had the pleasure of attending the 7th International Encaustic Conference in Provincetown Mass. You will find pics from that trip here scroll down to "Encaustic Boy". Anyway, I digress. What I really wanted to show you is this cool table that Pat in the shop at Brendan Donovan Furniture & Cabinet Co. made for me. I gave him the exact height I needed to work standing up. It has a shelf below for storage and casters so I can move it where I want it. He made it out of leftover bamboo and I didn't even finish it as I figured it would just end up covered in paint anyway. I realize not every one has "a Pat" so let me tell you about a website I just discovered through the tech whiz Eric Schimelpfenig of SketchThis.net . It's called Open Desk and it allows you to create your own furniture or have someone make it for you. Apparently there are lots of Pats all over the world who can make you your own art table, or whatever. You could even take a stab at it yourself!
Pretty cool, huh?
Oh and this is what the encaustic set up looks like. Soon it will get too hot to work in my garage.
Can't leave without a "shout out" to Baby Girl who has successfully concluded her high school career. Onward and upward. I'm so proud. Next post we will get back to business, after my long weekend birthday celebration in the Keys where I will be doing this.