Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the last big show of our season at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. The Palm Beach Fine Craft Show, along with Art Palm Beach are my favorites. The Fine Craft show has nothing to do with crayons and paste (not that there's anything wrong with that!) but is a juried show featuring the work of fine artisans from all corners of the United States. Their art is beautiful and functional. A hundred years ago, or so, textile designer, writer and artist William Morris said, "“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Morris is credited with pioneering the Arts and Crafts Movement at the turn of the 20th century. The exploding industrial revolution resulted in mass production of everyday items. As it turned out, this was a double edged sword. Now the masses were able to afford clothes and household items, but at a price. Quality was often sacrificed, labor exploited and disposable goods were born. The proponents of the Arts and Crafts Movement sought to preserve the beauty and art of an object made by the hand. There was a belief that the artisan left a little soul in each creation. Such objects were treasured and kept. They contained a story. I'm happy to say the tradition lives on. The irony is that the time, love and effort that goes into these creations can never be accurately accounted for and even still the prices are out of range for the average individual. Still we can dream. The show gave me a chance to connect with these exceptional artisans. Christine Davis took these amazing photos for me to share with you .
In addition there was exciting and original jewelry and clothing on display. If you're ever in Palm Beach in March take a break from the beach and check out this show. You will leave inspired and something might even come home with you ;)