I know my last post was all about the plumbing but I'm not done yet. As I peruse my ever growing roster of press releases this little tidbit caught my eye. It's a sleek beautiful sexy faucet with one hell of a marketing strategy.
The new Salome faucet by Riobel is going to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting public on June 7th at Koko Bar and Restaurant in Montreal, should you be in the area. What makes it so special you ask? Check it out. Need I say more? I just love it when art history intersects with design. I think it just adds a whole other layer.
Yes it's all about the looks, you know a faucet can never be too thin or
rich expensive, which I'm sure it is. The marketing brilliance is in the name and inspiration for this design. She's (yes this faucet is a girl) called Salome' after the work of Aubrey Beardsley, the 19th century bad boy famous for his erotic Art Noveau illustrations. Here's what Riobel has to say in their press release:
"In Harmony with this (Art Noveau) artistic concept, the faucets of Riobel’s SALOMÉ Collection are based on the aesthetics of curved lines. Due to their round profile and arched shape, Salomé products exude finesse, refinement and elegance.Turning on a SALOMÉ faucet is reminiscent of an exotic cascading waterfall, deep in the forest where all is pure, a significant aspect of these wall-mounted fixtures." So I lied when I said it's all about the looks. This water-as-in-nature concept seems like a great way to tame the stress and put a little Zen in your life.