When did I visit Milan again? Oh yeah, April 2014. Time flies. You see the thing is, when you go to these sensory overloading mind boggling trade shows you bring it all home with you in the form of dvds, thumb drives, brochures, samples etc. The problem is when you get home it’s so busy all these bits end up sitting in a "some day" drawer. Well guess what? Today’s the day.
Back to Milan. I was there as a member of the Blanco Design Council (a fact that I am most proud of and grateful for) to attend the Salone di Mobile, the premiere European interior design and furniture trade show. Fast forward to today when I decided to fire up a thumb drive called Bolon. Let me tell you about it.
Bolon is a Swedish flooring manufacturer but there is so much more to it! The concept of fashion has a way of elevating even the most mundane of objects. That’s what’s so intriguing about Bolon, started in Stockholm in 1949 by Nils-Erik Eklund. He became a pioneer of the “green” movement when he decided he would make woven rag rug flooring from the waste product of other flooring manufacturers. The business succeeded, was passed on and has been run by his granddaughters Annica and Marie Eklund since 2003. That’s when fashion entered the picture. The term “floored by fashion” was coined and fashion icon Giorgio Armani decided he loved the product enough to use it in his shops, his home and on his yacht. Savvy marketing by this latest generation of Eklands seals the deal. You must admit this video, introducing their Silence line, is intriguing enough to make you want to know what this product is all about!It’s an original type of flooring that I would describe as woven vinyl with a backing. It can look natural or not, doesn’t seem particularly comfy on the bare foot but does appear to be bullet-proof, a definite plus for commercial spaces which is the main application.Today the focus is on global expansion and achieving a totally green product. Bolon’s list of clients includes not only Armani but also Google, Mercedes, Adidas, Reebok and Sheraton as well as leading architects and designers. All design and production happens in Ulricehamn, Sweden.
Today the focus is on global expansion and achieving a totally green product. Bolon’s list of clients includes not only Armani but also Google, Mercedes, Adidas, Reebok and Sheraton as well as leading architects and designers. All design and production happens in Ulricehamn, Sweden.
Bolon is available in rolls or tiles. You can vacuum it or for deep cleaning it can be scrubbed with a brush and an all purpose cleaner (there are machines that can do this too). Lastly vacuum again with a wet vac. If you want to delve into the specifics you can do that here. Interesting diversion, yes? Who knows what I'll unearth next! Stay tuned...
An Artful New Adventure!
Let’s face it, things change. As we navigate those twists and turns of fate we can only hope to move forward, seeing new things with a fresh eye. Like it or not, change is a constant. You can dread it (understandable) or you can choose to embrace it. That said, it has been more than five years since I began my adventure as Kitchens for Living. I believe I have been true to my promise to share the latest design trends and product info for the heart of your home. We have frequently ventured out of the kitchen and even around the globe! I am so grateful for all the wonderful and talented kindred souls I have met along the way, fellow bloggers, designers and great organizations such as Modenus, Blanco, Brizo, Tile of Spain and many more. This blog has afforded me the opportunity to travel and bear witness to marvelous destinations and inspiring trade shows. Before this starts sounding too sad, let me tell you I have never felt so excited about the future and eager to explore new opportunities.
This will be the last post for Kitchens for Living. From now on I will be able to merge two of the things I love, kitchen design and art with my new site, Artful Kitchens. A big THANK YOU to Leslie Carothers of The Kaleidoscope Partnership for her guidance and insight which lead me to discover a new path full of promise and possibilities.
Artful Kitchens will focus on all the ways you can use creativity to personalize your kitchen. Artful spaces reflect who you are and the way you live.
The stunning tile above, by Walker Zanger, was featured at KBIS 2015 which I had the pleasure of attending with The Modenus Blog Tour Vegas.
New products like this perfectly white quartz by Wilsonart enhance the kitchen with a feeling of crisp clean freshness!
Color is a primary element of the Artful Kitchen. We'll be talking a lot about that in an upcoming interview with Amy Wax of Color 911
We will continue to incorporate new products and technologies as they emerge and we will explore all the artful ways of creating a kitchen that reflects who you really are. I’m so excited, I hope you’ll join me and spread the word. Last but certainly not least, whether you are a brand or a consumer, I want to collaborate with you!
Continue the conversation on Face Book or email me at ArtfulKitchensbyGlo@gmail.com
Museum Inspirations, Italian Style
There are still a couple of amazing experiences I have not shared from my Milan adventure, as a part of the Blanco Design Council earlier this year. One of them was a visit to the Triennale di Milano Design Museum. This center for contemporary art, architecture and design focuses on Italy's contribution to all these disciplines. Opened in 2007, rather than being a museum in the classical sense – one with a fixed collection – it is a space with continuously changing exhibitions. The building which houses the Triennale is located at the edge of the Parco Sempione and was built in 1933 by Giovanni Muzio. I discovered it on my first day in Milan whilst strolling in the park trying to shake off the last vestiges of jet lag. Wow!
As I found my way to the second floor I discovered an exhibit called Constancy & Change in Korean Traditional Craft 2014. Why Korea you ask? Well Korea and Italy have a long history of diplomatic relations, 130 years.
Korean culture has a 5000 year history to draw upon so the exhibit was vast and varied. Curated as a magical journey through time and space, the exhibit consisted of art works by twenty one prominent Korean artists. Although the media was so varied, the common threads were a conscious awareness and incorporation of nature, harmony, simplicity and sophistication.
The theme of the exhibit was the five materials of traditional Korean craft: ceramics, hanji (Korean mulberry paper), textiles, metal and lacquer inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Displays were designed to enhance these materials.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention these stunning cabinets. These are actually book chests made from paulownia and chinaberry woods and hanji (mulberry paper), delicate and sturdy at the same time.
Sometimes the best experiences are of the unplanned variety and that is especially true of this one. I guess the Triennale and I were meant to find each other. ;) More photos from this trip and my other travels visit Kitchens for Living on the Road
The Ultimate Designer Kitchen
What do a luxurious high-end handbag and a kitchen have in common? Give up? Fendi! One of the most impressive exhibits I viewed earlier this year at EuroCucina in Milan was the one featuring Fendi. As you can imagine, a show like EuroCucina (a part of the even larger Salone Internazionale del Mobile) encompasses pretty much everything you could ever think of when it comes to kitchen design. Not only that, I saw things I've never imagined in my wildest dreams! The Fendi's Casa Ambiente Cucina line fits squarely in that category. Styling can be described as elegant and sophisticated with details that call to mind to a fancy buckle or luxurious lining on your favorite expensive bag. Speaking of linings, I was impressed with the cabinet interiors too. In this case beauty isn't only skin deep it extends to what's inside. This includes clear (yes CLEAR) roll outs and LED illumination which activates when you open the door or drawer.
Fendi Kitchens made its debut at Salone two years ago with its first line of kitchen designs known as Ambienta Cucina, produced for them by SCIC, a high-end Italian kitchen manufacturer.
The Fendi exhibit was kept strictly under wraps, no peeking from outside and once you were cleared to enter photography was verboten! Big burly bouncer type guys were on hand to enforce the no pic policy. Sadly I witnessed one enthusiastic viewer caught in the act. She was made to show her phone and delete all photos in presence of bouncer! I thought the whole point of showing at a trade show was to garner publicity, no?
Fendi Casa Ambiente Cucina can be ordered in the U.S. exclusively through the Luxury Living Group in Los Angeles, Miami, and New York. Their offerings are truly a marriage of quality and fine design
Check out Kitchens for Living On the Road to view all my pics and comments from Eurocucina 2014 and more!
Short Hair and Stilettos
One trend I was delighted to spy in Milan was short hair. I saw a lot of it and who could blame them? It's so stylish and easy too! Another thing I saw was stilettos, very high ones. I'm now old enough not to have to wear or care about stilettos BUT it doesn't stop me from looking back with nostalgia. Today, as I was perusing my beloved NY Times, I discovered someone who will definitely be pinned to my Super Cool Peeps Pinterest board immediately! She's got the short "do" and the heels down to a fine art. Meet Garance Dore'. She is FUN. She blogs about fashion and life in her own totally unique French way. I love her video about high heels. Ms. Dore' set out to spend a whole day sporting spikes and exploring the phenomena. I don't know about you but it's all leaving me feeling inspired, adventurous and ready to pour it all into my art and design. How about you? What do you think about short hair and heels? What makes you hot to create?Click here for a peek at all my Milan photos!
Last but not Least, il Bagno
We're finally coming to the end of my coverage of Design Week Milan as a part of the Blanco Design Council. I still have a couple other experiences to relate and will surprise you when you least expect it. For now let me tell you about the Salone Internazionale del Bagno, also known as the International Bath Show, a part of the bigger show held in Milan last month. I can't believe it's actually been nearly a month! For the most part, I noticed lots of bathroom drama. Luxury was the order of the day and although much of it probably won't end up in your bathroom, it was fun to consider. Bathroom vanities were few and far between. The ones I did see were of the floating variety with vessel sinks. There were a lot of pedestal sinks too. The overall trend in the bath continues to be the creation of a spa-like atmosphere. This is done by constructing a totally sensory experience including lighting, sound and creative, invigorating options for the shower and tub. It's all about relaxation and having a place to escape the stress of our increasingly crazy lives. Conscious water use and conservation also continue to be at the forefront and I think it's always destined to remain so. Here are just a few sights that piqued my interest. If you'd like to view all the loveliness I captured in Milan you can find all the pics here.
Click here for a peek at all my Milan photos!